5100 Marsh Rd , Okemos MI
34.67 miles
1200 Packard St , Ann Arbor MI
15.01 miles
515 W grand river Ave , East Lansing MI
37.55 miles
Sandwich Shop, Caterer, Fast Food
42291 Ann Arbor Rd E, Plymouth MI
28.85 miles
268 John R Rd, Troy MI
49.09 miles
24480 West 10 Mile Rd , Southfield MI
39.05 miles
American, Breakfast, Diner
615 E Michigan Ave, Jackson MI
19.94 miles
Coffee, Tea, Bakery
701 Livernois St , Ferndale MI
45.74 miles
Mexican, Southwestern, Latin
W Vernor and Military , Detroit MI
46.32 miles
721 W Grand River , Brighton MI
18.96 miles
Deli, Sandwich, Soup
34453 Grand River Avenue , Farmington MI
33.96 miles
802 East Michigan Avenue , Jackson MI
19.84 miles
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